
Entrepreneur at heart, Stephen started developing software since 2002 with C++ and then Java. Switching to full stack web development by 2004, mostly in PHP, ASP, and Coldfusion on a variety of hosting platforms from Windows Server (2000-2008R2), Linux (debian/Ubuntu 6.6-current, SuSE) and unix (FreeBSD, Solaris 8-10) running web servers IIS, Apache, Nginx, and Lighttpd.

Having experience working with servers such as proxy server Pound/Squid, caching Varnish, Redis, and Memcached, and database servers such as MySQL and Postgres. Email servers and services such as PostFix, Windows Exchange Server (2010-2013) Dovecot, Spam-assassin, Sieve, and GreyPost.

Running news/media sites, search engines, and API services from a few hundred visits a month to over 500,000. Hiring contract/freelancers for journalism up to 240 freelancers under the gaming website Leviathyn.com, sold in 2017. Working with the WordPress framework since 2006.

Hosting web services for clients, podcast hosting and management, streaming services for icecast (online radio), Adobe Media streaming (video), and nullsoft.

Large aggregation services for analytics (openFeed) with over top 250k websites listing in real time for link aggregation and social ranking.

Currently a full stack developer with Laravel, WordPress, and custom PHP code. Founder of Dropstr Inc, SaaS services for WordPress.

Optional languages include Python, Javascript (React, JQuery), and Ruby.